“Goddess of the Yangtze” I knew some little info about this animal in long time ago. Just heard they are rare dolphin in China at that time. “Even they are rare animal but should be fine if some one help for their problem” I just spoke out it way too easy because have I though that just let someone else handle it. But I’d never imagine they’ll lost from us for now, I found when research for this competition. Baiji was declared “functionally extinct” in 2006 that make me to be touched. And have more that feeling while I working with them in my work. I have learning to love this beautiful animal when they lost, I knew what’s point of they cute, How they live in river and what is make Baiji difference from other dolphin. But now I can’t do anything for them, So This work I’II do for Baiji as a memorable for them.
[隐藏]“Goddess of the Yangtze” I knew some little info about this animal in long time ago. Just heard they are rare dolphin in China at that time. “...