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Brenda Lyons
Brenda Lyons
Nationnality: USA
City: Manchester, CT
Finished Works
The Falcon's Love
Title: The Falcon's Love
Upload date: 2011-04-19
Category: Mother’s love (digital painting)
Animal(s) : Peregrine Falcon
Tools: Photoshop CS2, Corel Painter IX
The peregrine falcon is truly a remarkable creature. It is the fastest creature on the planet, yet is relatively small compared to other raptors.... [All]
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Brenda Lyons
Date:2011-03-24 | Quote | #1
Peregrine Falcon - Mother's Love WIP 1
Thinking about what a 'mother's love' is in the animal kingdom truly is about protection. Most humans have the luxury of protection by the law and society's standards, but in nature, the only law is that of survival.

The peregrine falcon is truly a remarkable creature. It is the fastest creature on the planet, yet is relatively small compared to other raptors. Young falcons are especially at risk of predation by larger raptors, particularly by golden eagles. Despite the size difference, parent falcons have been known to attack and kill golden eagles in defense of their young.

In this drawing I am trying to capture the fierce protection of the mother. Leaving the chicks to fly is risky, but the falcon's strength is in the sky...and all she needs is a bit of height and the advantage is hers.
Brenda Lyons
Date:2011-04-19 | Quote | #2
Peregrine Falcon - Mother's Love WIP 2
My scheduling got all messed up when I realized I actually have twelve hours LESS to work on this than I expected! I forgot about the time difference between here and China, which affects the deadline. Add into the fact that I had my wisdom teeth removed this morning, and this project has become even more challenging for me!

These two works in progress show the flat colors (with the sketch above so I have a reference for my shadows), and a progress showing shading.
Brenda Lyons
Date:2011-04-19 | Quote | #3

Post by Samantha Hogg At 2011-03-25 03:02:38 发表:

Yay, progress already! Really like the ferocity of the falcon, you can definitely *feel* the intent to drive off the eagle. I'd love to see the canvas potentially expanded to include a little more of the eagle, so the falcon isn't dead-centre, though i do like the way the wings frame the falcon, that works really well. Your digital sketching is pretty cool too...

Thanks, Sam!  I didn't see your comment until I uploaded the second WIP!  I didn't realize we could comment on each other's WIPs!

I'm hoping by having a lot of weight in the bottom right with the eagle and stones it will offset the centered falcon.  I wanted to give it a chaotic feel with the sharp diagonal of the falcon and the eagle nearly being pushed off the canvas.  We'll see if it works!