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Samantha Hogg
Samantha Hogg
Nationnality: UK
City: Cambridge
Finished Works
The Moment
Title: The Moment
Upload date: 2011-04-20
Category: Prey and Predator (digital painting)
Animal(s) : Snow Leopard, Alpine Ibex
Tools: Photoshop CS5
Snow Leopards are one of the most reclusive animals on earth, and any document of these gorgeous creatures hunting is rare. With this in mind, I ... [All]
Works In Process View All/View Creator Only
Samantha Hogg
Date:2011-03-25 | Quote | #1
Just roughing out some thumbnails for composition
Samantha Hogg
Date:2011-03-25 | Quote | #2
thumbnails 2
idea 2
Samantha Hogg
Date:2011-03-25 | Quote | #3
Thumbnails 3
idea 3
Samantha Hogg
Date:2011-03-25 | Quote | #4
Thumbnails 4
idea 4
Samantha Hogg
Date:2011-03-27 | Quote | #5
Final thumbnails
This is my fave composition thus far, just can't make my mind up over which cat to use!
Samantha Hogg
Date:2011-03-28 | Quote | #6
Sketch and initial colour/light pass
Despite pretty much the entire of public opinion being to go for the right, I followed my gut instinct, after speaking to a friend who offered some great artistic insight into the composition of each, and why the left one felt a little less 'safe' than the one on the right. Bit of a gamble, but I'm hoping that this initial pass will convince others that I'm hopefully going in the right direction. Here the snow leopard feels like the focus of the image, undeniably the stronger of the two animals, which is exactly the sense I wanted. Plus the pose of this version actually makes more sense as being that moment just before the pounce, which I'm hoping adds to the tension.
Samantha Hogg
Date:2011-03-31 | Quote | #7
facial closeup!
Just a quick closeup of the face as it stands... looking at this at about 60% of full size.