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Joachim Barrum
Joachim Barrum
Moose in Sunset
作品名称:Moose in Sunset
It´s an old saying in Norway, that every artist makes a Moose in a Sunset once during their career (Moose in one of the national animals in Norwa... [全部]
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Joachim Barrum
发表时间:2010-12-17 | 引用 | #1
moder and child
Hi, I´ve been thinking of various way to approach this competition. ANd this is one of the sketches I´ve done from the ideas I have. The idea here was to illustrate a mother lion and her child. The kid is exhausted after a long day, and fell asleep on his mothers back. I think it could have been a pretty funny/charming picture if done properly, especially if the kids expression and body gesture is made properly. Maybe this image would be better in a different angle, though drama is not the essence here...Most likely I won´t finish this, but I´m just putting out my sketches, to see if anyone has any responses that might change my mind or ideas :)
Joachim Barrum
发表时间:2010-12-17 | 引用 | #2
3 ideas for consideration...
Hi, I´ve been thinking of various way to approach this competition. And this is the three ideas I decided to consider.

1. mother and child. A lion mother carry her tired child which fell a sleep on her back after a long and exhausting day. Dunno if I´m going to take this one any further, I just though it could become a charming and funny picture if the childs expression and gesture was made properly...who knows :) Maybe with a more interesting angle, it would be better.

2. Lion father and Son. Not sure which category this one falls under, I guess portrait. But, I´ve always though the bond between an animal kid and his father is facinating. As with Disney Lion King, when the father and son stands on top of the cliff looking out over the vista. But, here I thought portraying the bond in a hunt, son trying to learn from his fathers predator instincts. could be interesting ?!?

3. Final portrait idea, the least complicated idea of these, but still maybe the one I probably like the most. A close portrait of a Gorillas face, the mix between simple gray and a few colors.
I think Gorillas are extraordinary animals, you can see a lot of thought is going on behind the eyes, if I can somehow express both sadness, anger and a personality through his eyes, I think this image would have a better impact than my other ideas.

...but who knows, maybe you guys have some other opinions about my sketches :9 any thoughts are welcome.
Joachim Barrum
发表时间:2011-03-13 | 引用 | #3
wounded moose in sunset
Here´s a sketch of a moose. It´s a old saying in Norway that every artist in Norway makes a Moose in Sunset some time during his career. So, I guess this my my time to contribute to that cliché. But, just to make a small twist, a wounded Moose makes it a bit more interesting imo.