Antonio Javier Caparo
Date:2010-10-07 |
Quote | #1
Loris Planet - 1st sketch
Hi there!
I'm really glad to be part of this competition and contribute to this cause. Looking at the list of participants I can tell this is going to be something awesome and unique!
I choose the Slow Loris (Nycticebus coucang) for my piece. I've been wanting to draw something with this cutie for a long time and now I have the chance.
The concept is to show the Loris in a playful attitude with our planet, to create a joyful and innocent bond between them two in a metaphoric way. Comments are welcome!
Date:2010-10-07 |
Quote | #2
It's cute~~and it seems like we can talk by watching each other~~!
Antonio Javier Caparo
Date:2010-10-10 |
Quote | #3
Loris Planet - Color sketch
Here goes the color sketch. I added more space all around the main elements and made the Loris smaller compared with the planet. Now I think the grass at the bottom looks too simple, I will replace it or mix it with something more interesting, maybe some rocks or another type of leaves so this wont be the only color sketch I guess.
Date:2010-10-11 |
Quote | #4
I like the eyes, beautiful and pure.
I am thinking if the grass can be water... global warming?
Antonio Javier Caparo
Date:2010-10-14 |
Quote | #5
Hi Annie,
Water could be a good symbolic element but right now I'm thinking in a desert or something lifeless like that. More sketching will come, let's see. Thanks so much for the input!
Date:2010-10-15 |
Quote | #6

I will follow you.
Ejiwa A Ebenebe
Date:2010-10-20 |
Quote | #7
This is adorable! It's a great concept and I'm looking forward to seeing the development :)
Antonio Javier Caparo
Date:2010-10-21 |
Quote | #8
Loris Planet - color sketch
Some adjustments on the color sketch. I replaced the grass for a desert, I think it has a more dramatic impact. To add extra details on the story behind the image some of the rocks will have subtle carvings of human procedure, maybe they are reminders of cultures long time gone. Comments are welcome!
Antonio Javier Caparo
Date:2010-10-26 |
Quote | #9
Loris Planet - line art
Here is the clean line art. After deciding to go with the previous sketch with the desert and the stones I defined with detail eveything that will go on the composition, in this case the Loris shape and the stones in the ground. I always make the line in a sepia tone which will blend much better with the rest of the color than a black line.
Date:2010-10-27 |
Quote | #10
Nice try! The stone on the bottom right looks like "subtle carvings of human procedure" you said.
Antonio Javier Caparo
Date:2010-10-28 |
Quote | #11
Ops! Should have said "subtle carvings of human origin". And yes, I would like to give a message that humans were here, or that they are still here, or something like that.
Antonio Javier Caparo
Date:2010-10-31 |
Quote | #12
Loris Planet - basic color areas
Blocking the basic color areas of the image. Keeping a copy of them in a separate layer can be helpful to make selections in the future.
Antonio Javier Caparo
Date:2010-11-07 |
Quote | #13
Loris Planet - Textures
After the masks were done I applied photographic textures to the image, basicalle to the stones and the Earth globe. This one was a tricky one: I wanted to create a texture that resembles soil or stone but with something organic to it so I had to combine many different textures before achieving the one you see. I also added the sky which is a basic render I made in Eon Vue and then texturized and retouched in Photoshop. The Moon was also painted in Photoshop.
Comments are welcome!
Antonio Javier Caparo
Date:2010-11-16 |
Quote | #14
Loris Planet - basic Loris color
Here I added the Slow Loris basic color and fur, this time no photographic textures but brush paint in Photoshop.
Arijanit Roci
Date:2010-11-18 |
Quote | #15
Date:2010-11-19 |
Quote | #16
WOW! How beautiful the fur is! I really want to touch it! 
Arijanit Roci
Date:2010-11-22 |
Quote | #17
Finally it works !
As you might have noticed I tried to comment but it didn't want to post anything. But it seems to work now. :)
First of all I really like your selection of animal. Great expression and great composition. Cant wait to see the final touch :D
Nice work.
Antonio Javier Caparo
Date:2010-11-24 |
Quote | #18
Thanks for the comments Annie and Arijanit. The work in the fur is delicate yet simple. Just have to be very patient to paint all those little brush strokes! But it pays in the end. In the next step it will start to get some volume.
Antonio Javier Caparo
Date:2010-11-26 |
Quote | #19
Loris Planet - Shadows
Hi everyone!
Here are the first shadows on the image. I always love this step, it is when the image starts to take some real volume.
I duplicated the color layer that included the loris, the Earth and stones and adjusted it's hue and lightness to achieve something darker and more blue. With that blue dark layer on top on the previous one I started erasing on it to subtract the light areas, so I basically do not paint the shadows like many people do but subtract the lights. I use the same charcoal Photoshop brush so everything will keep the same texture, specially the fur.
Comments are welcome!
sinad jaruatjanapat
Date:2010-11-26 |
Quote | #20
I very like his eye (or she? XD )
that stunning me at first time.
Ramón Acedo
Date:2010-11-27 |
Quote | #21
This is turning really nice. There's life in those eyes. Thanks for sharing your process.
Date:2010-11-28 |
Quote | #22
the eyes are very nice!
Antonio Javier Caparo
Date:2010-12-06 |
Quote | #23
Loris Planet - Darker Shadows
Hi everyone! Thanks so much for the feedback. I'm glad you like her eyes (or should I say he? Could be either a she or a he). Those eyes were the main thing that convinced me to choose the Slow Loris for the competition. In every photo reference I saw thay were always like saying "Please, please, paint me!".
Here is a new update on the process. I added darker shadows so it is gaining more depth and volume overall. The outline from a previous step is slowly disappearing under this new shadows.
Comments are always welcome!
Date:2010-12-07 |
Quote | #24
Her eyes are vividly, the moon,the ball,with the eyes, perfect combination.
Antonio Javier Caparo
Date:2010-12-18 |
Quote | #25
Loris Planet - hairlight
Hi everybody!
A new update here. I added the blue hairlight coming from the Moon that added some extra volume to the piece. It also provides a good color contrast with the warm tones of the front light. It is the last big step in the process. Some minor adjustments may probably follow before uploading the final art. Comments are welcome!
Happy Holidays to you all!
Antonio Javier Caparo
Date:2010-12-31 |
Quote | #26
Loris Planet - Final
The final piece here! I just made some little adjustments on the lighting at the bottom to make the stones darker. Hope you like it!