Terryl Whitlatch accepted the invitation from the Organizing Committee of taking the judge position of Share One Planet competition. We are proud to publish this news and, we believe her participation not only guarantees the professionalism of this competition, but also is a generous support and contribution to the global wild life protection.

Terryl Whitlatch's comment on Share One Planet:
"When artists portray animals, they point out the beauty and the fragility of life, and in that, how exceedingly precious that life is; once the genetics of any given species vanishes, those blueprints are gone forever. Thus, rather than our art to tragically become a sad memorial, let it become a rallying banner to save the diverse fellow beings who share our planet."
--- Terryl Whitlatch
About Terryl Whitlatch
Terryl Whitlatch was born in Oakland, California, and started drawing at less than three years of age. Blessed with a mother who was, and still is, a talented artist-illustrator, and a father who taught biology, her fascination with animals started early. Countless weekends were spent visiting zoos, aquariums, and museums, and her father was constantly bringing home mounted skeletons, creatures preserved in jars, and living animals as well - chicken hatchlings, bullfrogs, iguanas, and insects.
After studying illustration at the California College of Arts and the Academy of Art University, Terryl began a career that has spanned over 25 years. She has worked with many major studios and effects houses as a highly sought after creature and concept designer. Clients include Industrial Light and Magic, Lucas Film Ltd., Pixar, Walt Disney Feature Animation, PDI, Entertainment Arts, LucasArts, Chronicle Books, and various zoos and natural history museums.
She also is the creator and illustrator of three books, The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide , The Katurran Odyssey, and the newly released Animals Real and Imagined.